- Migrated entire office to Microsoft 365 business, allowing them to be able to have all valuable company files on Microsoft’s secure cloud, and we also migrated them to MS 365 for their email hosting.
- We redesigned their older website to the latest WordPress platform and also to give the user a better experience, and a fresh clean modern design that represents their business.
- Designed Favicon (website icon) and dark logo using their logo.
- Updated all their Social Media profiles to match branding.
- We currently provide all their website maintenance and security.
- We have all the staff computers in my remote access account so that I can provide them with immediate remote support when IT issues arise.
Social Media Platforms
“To say our interoffice computer setup was outdated and inconsistent would be an understatement. Every station was piecemealed (and OLD) and we were all working on different versions of software, with odd quirks and bugs constantly needing to be handled, which just became part of our everyday. The bugs got to the point that we were forced to make changes. In came Josie who had the knowledge of exactly how to set us up from spec’ing the exact right hardware, which varied for each position based on what programs were being run, and getting us on consistent and workable software which has streamlined our office tremendously. She did all the work of setting up our new computer stations, transferring all of our data to our new computers, got us trained as necessary and got us up and running. All this with VERY minimal interruption to our production. She really made it happen and it’s like night and day! Highly recommended!”